Clinical waste transfer facility

The progressive strengthening of legislation on air emissions has forced many hospitals to close their incinerators. To respond to the problems faced by clinics and healthcare facilities, Ipalle provides the management and the treatment by incineration of hospital waste type B2 (cutting, piercing, blunt and/ or infectious). The reception area consists of two automatic handling chains responding strictly to legal demands: checking for the absence of radioactivity, prohibition to mix B2 waste with garbage stored in pit, maximum limitation of human contact with this type of waste, limited storage time before treatment (24 hours max), supervising the disinfection of the containers. As the standard containers with waste arrive, they are weighed and identified by a scanning system (barcodes). This ensures a complete traceability of waste (origin, date, time of arrival and treatment). Our engineers provided the general design, preparation of contractual and technical specifications, tendering procedure, evaluation of tenders and construction supervision.

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